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Showing posts from March, 2018

My First 5k Run - How it started

Always I had dreamt of running in groups and meeting marathon runners. But never chased or even thought of stepping into the running journey. Undergone many downs in my life but no ups. Very mediocre life I have lived and nothing special till I started this best workout. As a school kid, I loved playing all sports and being at playground made me free spirited kid. I was the best in my school in sports and was SPL too. I was confident like tigress, majestic like lioness. Why am I referring animals for confidence and majesty is because they own those qualities and they never compromise their own quality at any cost. Hence I referred. Courtesy After growing up, early adolescent life was very bitter because of the family's financial status. Then marriage life, where I had Himalayan expectation which was as disappointing as falling into the valley from the mountain top. Had kid as part of the marriage life. Nothing big or even happy life was not happening after undergoing a